Friday, January 27, 2012

Hello out there in Blogland! Sorry that I have been a disapointing writer for many a month! I just haven't had anything to write about lately, or more to the point, I haven't felt that my life has been at all interesting enough to write about.
My observations of the world around me just haven't been too keen.
Things here, on the homefront have been a status quo.
Life has been moving at a pace that doesn't allow me to breathe! (Not really, but I think most of you know what I mean)
The boys are the boys, and my daughter is my daughter.
The oldest is a college freshman, at the local community college, and seems to be enjoying it, as well as doing well in classes.
My middle one is a junior in high school, and is doing well.
My youngest is a 5th grader, breezing along and areal girl!
y husband is doing well, healthwise, and I am dong well too.
So there ya have it, in a crazy nutshell.
I am going to try to post more often, spouting my little opinions and such. I will try that is the best that I can promise! I miss my blogger friends!


Cliff said...

Miki, glad to hear all is well.
Life gets pretty complicated with kids that age. What's the major at the comm. college? Two of my boys graduated from them and are doing quite well because of it.

Ralph said...

Glad you came back. I'm with you sometimes it is just plain hard to know what to write about.

Miki said...

Cliff, the major at the Comm. College is General Studies...he plans to graduate from there and go on to a state university to study physical Education or physical therapy...but who knows!? Right now he is getting his feet wet, and knowing what it is like to have some responsibility with a job and school. He wanted to play baseball, but the schedule wouldn't allow for work and time to study do papers etc. It was a hard lesson for him to learn, and a heartbreaking one, but a decision had to be made none the less. Right now, with his track record he needs to concentrate more on school than sports. The sad reality of growing up had to kick in!

Ralph, thank you and thank you for your understanding! I am going to try!

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