Saturday, April 02, 2011

Here on Long Island, it is getting tougher to feel good about what is going on around us. Almost all of the school district are threatening layoffs, citing loss of school aid from the state. Many of the school districts can cut their budgets by laying off administrators to the tune of 100 thousand dollars per administrator, or more. I wonder what will happen to my two children who will still be in public school. My oldest will be graduating this June, so he will not be a part of these cuts. My middle child is going to be a junior next year, and I fear for his last tow years in high school. Will the classes be huge, will the sports programs run, will there be any programs for these kids. My daughter is in elementary school, she is actively involved in several "clubs" in her school. They are wonderful programs that are held before or after school and the kids benefit greatly from them. Chorus, Show Choir, Recorder Ensemble, French Club, Homework Club, and Intramurals. These will open up worlds to her that I am not financially able to open to her. I cannot afford voice lessons, nor enroll her in a foreign language program at 9 years old. She does play softball for a local league, and basketball in the winter. But beyond those, it isn't feasable to pursue her interests outside of school. Our school taxes consist of more than half of our property tax bill, mor like 65% and they keep rising, with state cuts adding to the tax burden. It seems as though our region carries the state tax burden for schools, and we are relatively small in comparrison to the rest of our state. I know there is nothing that any of my blog readers can do about this little rant, but I just needed to get it off of my chest. It was necessary for me, I am tired of being overtaxed and told that I will be burdened with more taxes for education. SO, now I will get off of my soapbox.


Cheyenne said...
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Peruby said...

School levies are getting ugly here in Ohio, also.

JUST A MOM said...

HEY,,,,, I have gone private,, send me your email if ya want to catch up on my life these days,,, good to see your all still open your eyes and breathe.

my email is

Rachel said...

I just hear someone recently saying how they were really hurting in the schools here due to the lack of aid from the state. I guess it's the same all over.

Yang Kuo said...

I just hear someone recently saying how they were really hurting in the schools here due to the lack of aid from the state. I guess it's the same all over.

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