Saturday, February 05, 2011

Anohter Day, Another Storm?

Today is another gloomy day weather wise, here on Long Island. A little bit of a busy day, the oldest one has work for a few hours, then he and his girlfriend are going to a graduation party for someone that graduated mid year from their high school. My middle one has a wrestling tournament, which he is wrestling in, it is the it will be crowded and busy. I have to work the consession stand at 3:30 thru 7:30. My daughter, she has nothing, so far, planned. My husband and I will go to the tourney for a little while, to at least see our son wrestle...or we would hope to see him husband gets bored at these maybe I will take my own car.
We were supposed to get more snow and ice over night, but we didn't. It is gloomy though, and now on the south shore we are supposed to get rain. I hope that it is a good soaking that causes puddles, and water to run down the street, looking like a stream. Thne some of the snowpiles will get smaller. So, on Tuesday and maybe Thursday, more winter weather. It really never seems to end. I am just hoping to have more of this weather miss us again! I need a break. I guess you could say it is the winter doldrums...the blues, cabin fever. I don't know quite how to describe it. It is affecting my husband too. He is quiet, and gets annoyed very easily. That is usually a sign that something is bothering him. He says it is the weather.
Here's hoping that in your neck of the woods, things are better! I hear that in Cliff's neck of the woods, there isn't nearly as much snow.....I know we have more than some parts of Alaska.

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