Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winterscapes of Long Island

These views are from the truck, as we drove home. We took a ride, Scott , myself and Cassidy, to his jobsite, just to make certain that it wasn't frozen, and that the water hadn't let loose. On the weekends, Scott and his helper take turns checking the well that they are working on. It was Scott's turn, so I decided to go with him, and Cassidy wanted to see where Daddy works right now. Anyhow, I love the beach in the winter, but not many are open for us to go see, so we drove the Ocean Parkway past Jones Beach State Park, and I snapped away from the warmth of the truck.

The first is the western most part, as you approach the Loop Parkway. I believe the Bridge is that on the Loop Parkway. The toll booths were made famous in the original Godfather Movie. They were not green then, but it is the scene where Sonny was shot. The third is just a shot along the way. The fourth is the bridge to RObert Moses State Park, another beach. The last is as we were descending the bridge that Scott has always known as the Robert Moses Causeway Bridge. It is now a double span, not originally built that way, but is now.
These aren't pictures of my hometown per say, but they are of the area in which we live. It is about 30 miles away from us, Jones Beach. It has a theater, two pools (Bath Houses) and a beautiful strip of beach, with a boardwalk. ALso, it has a glof course, basketball courts, a mini golf course, and those types of recreation activities. In the summer it is teeming with people.
It was a planned recreation area, planned by Robert Moses, the parkways were also planned by him. If you want more info, google Jones Beach NY or Robert Moses. Look up the history of the place, if you are a history buff, it is really neat. Originally all of the employees were dressed like sailors, boys and girls, and the faucets for the water fountains were ships wheels, and the seahorse motif was on other hardware. Kind of neat to have that here. It used to be free, but now you need to buy a "day pass" or a summer fun pass. Economic times in the past few decades have forced the state to impose ever rising fees for use of state parks.


Cliff said...

Wonderful pictures dear Miki, beautiful area. Impressive bridges, and I'm glad you got 'aired out' as we call it here.
It's nice to do something that you aren't required to do. Fun.

Cheyenne said...

Great shots. How well I remember Jones Beach.