Friday, January 16, 2009


I wish I had the gumsion to go out in this weather and take some photographs. I wanted to make a folder on my computer with my town under the snow. We got a few inches yesterday, but today an arctic blast hit. The tems are in the singel digits. SO, no way no how that I will get out there with camera in hand. Scott bought me a new lens for my camera, for Christmas, and I am dying to do some artsy pictures. I really enjoyed the last time with the "regular" lens, so I thought I would try out some with the zoom. I have played around in the yard a little, but those photos haven't satisfyed my curiosty. I just thought I would write about it, since I am not bundling up and running out to take those pictures by the bay. I love the look of the water in the winter, it has a different quality. It strikes me differently. But not today! I am crazy, but not nuts.

1 comment:

Cliff said...

I'm glad you said that.
Get the coat on and get out there. We need some pics of the stompin grounds.