Well, we had snow. Notice I said had. There is snow on the roof, snow on the grass and snow on the driveway. Not enough to make it difficult, not enough to not be able to get out, but enough to make it annoying. Yesterday as the flakes fell, I needed a few things in the house. Nothing that couldn't wait, but thngs that if I need them at the moment, they wouldn't be there and it would make for difficulty. SO I ventured out to the supermarket, mind you, I actually did go to the food store this week, I grocery shopped, used my coupons and recycled my cans and bottles. But there were a few things that didn't make it on to the list. SO I forgot them, but I can go get them. So, I did. I thought mid day would be ok, Scott was busy putting in an entry floor, we wanted to improve on what was there, the "Brick" tiles with the black backing from the early 70's.....the folks who mounted them, put them down with black tar glue, right on top of the oak hard wood, so salvaging that was out of the question, without too much labor and sweat. We went to Lowe's which opened a new store around the corner from us, well not around the corner, but close enough. I picked a laminate floor material that looks like hardwood, and Scott installed it. He went right into the closet, and it looks fabulous! What a difference it makes!
But I strayed from my topic.......The supermarket, few things to pick up, snow and flakes falling.
I went to the supermarket. I made my way down the overcrowded aisles, and thought, just what the heck is going on.......OH, I thought again, the snow. Then I started noticing what was in the carts, what was missing on the shelves, and it hit me! The "Storm Panics" are out. YOu know them, the looney toon people that emerge from their homes, even if it is the day after food shopping, to stock up on items that no one in their right mind would need under normal circumstances. There was a lady with a portable heater (electric of course?) on the bottom of her cart. Mind you, this is the woman who was stacking cases of bottled water on top of her already overflowing cart. She had individual bottles, she had the gallon sized bottles and the ones that have the spouts, stacked in there. There was much canned food, and Milk. I never saw so many gallons of milk flying off of the shelves. Bread was missing too. I guess the big storm was hitting and Lord knows when the plows would be heading down the streets of this suburban township. We may never get out! EVER! It cracks me up to notice what people stock up on......If we loose electric, you cannot use an electric heater. If you loose electric, that milk you bought will spoil. Can you possibly eat 5 loaves of bread in less than a week? That too will go moldy. I have teenagers, and yes we go through milk, yes we go through bottled water, yes we go through bread. I just don't think that we can go through 5 gallons in a few days or 5 loaves of bread. For me, I just get those things as I am in need of them. If a storm hits, then we go without for a day. The next day the store will still be there, the local 7-11 will still be opoen, and guess what, the street will be open too. I just like to chuckle to myself. I just don't believe that people feel the need to stock up on perishables. What are they thinking? I would understand if the nearest store were more than 5 miles away, but seriously, in this town, spit and you hit a supermarket, (there are 4 within 10 minutes of each other) there are several 7--11 stores, quite a few delis, and a couple of butchers within 5 miles of one another. There is no impossibility of not being able to get something for your buck here, at any time of the day or night! So, as I chuckle and rant and rave about the "Storm Panics," just remember, that 40th gallon of milk may be the one that is necessary for survival, and while you are out in the snow, pick up 20 cases of water, and another loaf of bread, those guys with the snow plows will never come by...........
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I usually do stop to get another gallon of milk (because my daughter drinks about a half gallon a day). Only problem with me is, I pick up cookies, candy bars, frozen pizza...
It happens here too. The fuuny thing is - if it really does snow hard and we can't get out we can walk to to three stores within ten minutes. Of course, you have to pass by 5 or so resturants in the process. Funny stuff.
Great 'column' here Miki. I saw the plane floating in the water and thought of you and was struck with a sense of panic. I haven't visited Miki lately!!
Well I've read the whole darned thing. All of it 'really good.' I left the comments as I went.
The shopping before the storms has always tickled me too. However if a really dangerous storm is predicted we've been known to stock up because we can be stranded for days with no way to get out. Nine miles to the nearest hard surfaced road. Carry on.
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