Monday, January 24, 2011

Life Moves, Life changes

Hello out there in Blog land!
Not sure if many of you still follow my blog, as I haven't been writing in a long long time. Things here are moving along, as life always does. My oldest will graduate from HS in June, and it is a sad and happy time for both of us. Mommie keeps looking at him and wondering where the years have escaped to, and why they went so fast. I am so overwhelmingly proud of him, that he will be accomplishing this major milestone, but so overwhelmingly sad that he won't be my little boy anylonger. He is starting to feel it too. He knows that the security of being in high school will be behind him, but the promise of all that life has to offer will be in front of him.
But that is something he must figure out for himself. He has to grow and be. He will learn responsiblity and how to function as a "real" person. He will balance school and work, home and school, and be an independent studier on his own. (He is attending the local Community College in the fall) He will get a taste of college life, and still have the security of home. He will forge new relationships and relate to people who don't share the same community.
SO, yes, it is bittersweet, he will say good bye to some friends, and make new ones, he will leave behind things that he loved, but he will also discover new things to love, and I hope with an open mind!
More to come on this subject, I am just feeling just a little blue about my "baby" growing up!


Cliff said...

Hi Miki, I want to comment on this and will but I have someone waiting for me so I must go. See you a bit later. cm

Miki said...

WOW! Cliff, you are great! Can't wait for your insightful insights! Good to know that my friends are still out there!

Cheyenne said...

Hey, Miki, glad to see you back amongst us bloggers. We missed you. I was checking every few weeks or so since last January.

I know the feeling of losing a child to the rest of the world. I only had one daughter and it was not easy for me to let go. But she has flourished and is doing well.

Miki said...

Cheyenne, glad to beback. I always knew I would be, just the motivation had escaped me for so very long.
Not really losing him, just letting him spread his wings in the world!
Thanks for checking in on me!

Cliff said...

Your feelings of melancholy are/were shared by most. I had the most trouble with our youngest leaving the nest. The fun part that I couldn't see at the time, was the fact that they would keep circling the nest even after they have a nest of their own. And now they're bringing their young ones too.
You'll soon start hearing things come out of his mouth that you said to him many years ago when you were sure he wasn't listening. He was.
He'll be nothing but a source of joy very soon. That's because he had a good mother.

Miki said...

Thank you Cliff! He has a good Daddy too! We hope we did and said all of the right things, we hope that we spent the appropriate amount of time, we hope that we were fair and just when dicipline needed to be measured out...we hope that he knows how much he is loved!