Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hi all, so sorry that I haven't posted in a long while. My creative juices have not been flowing lately. I have been going on full tilt for about a month now........running kids here there and everywhere. Cassidy to the library almost daily. Patrick to summer school, both boys to summer workouts for football and add a few baseball games in there too, not to mention a tournament in South Carolina, for a week. Now just re reading this I am exhausted. I will try to write more when I can sit and think.......trying to write thoughts on the paper so that I can type them here......hang in there folks! More to come in the future!


Ralph said...

I got exhausted reading what you you have been doing - things will eventually slow down.

stacey said...

This too, shall pass. There will come a time when you will look back and wish you had them around to run. As hard as it is, enjoy every minute

Cliff said...

Keep on keepin on miki. We'll be here waiting. You are a busy person for sure.

Rachel said...

You busy woman!!! Blog every once in awhile so we can keep up with you!!