Saturday, February 21, 2009

StonyBrook Museums a Field Trip

As you all know, I am a Long Island person. I love my Island, I love what is here and love experiencing its history. The museums at StonyBrook, or the Long Island Museums are featured here on my blog, you can read about them by clicking on the link.
I must begin by saying that I have never been to the museums, before Thursday that is. Every school vacation, I try to fit in a little "field trip" for the kids. We visit the past from here on Long Island. This school break, we planned a trip to the museums at StonyBrook. WE toured the new exhibit, we toured the grounds and we toured the carriage museum and the art museum. Danny always brings his friend Mikey, who is like a member of the family, and Dan likewise at his house. Above are a few shots of the grounds and the kids. Patrick, being too mature opted out for this trip. DOn't worry, will get him on the next one! My favorite shots are those by the outhouse, they weren't too thrilled to be posing, but I made them. FUnny shots they will have for the rest of their lives! Mikey's mom gave me permission to use the images of her son, so don't fear! We had fun and spent an afternoon learning, although the kis won't realize the value of what they learned until they are older and need to recall something......tee hee....fooled them didn't I?


Cheyenne said...

Love the photos. I miss the Island. Lots of great memories there for me.

Rachel said...

Great pictures and sounds like a fun trip. I loved your last post about your oldest! Very well written Miki!