Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! HOpe you are spending it with someone you love! It doesn't have to be a husband, a boyfriend, a could be your child or children, your parents, your cousins, you neice or nephew. Whomever you chose to be your Valentine, is your Valentine! enjoy your day, as the sun rises or sets, and think of those you loved and those you continue to love. I am not big into the buying of expensive gifts any longer. I will admit that I was, once. I just want to spend the day with people I love. Nothing fancy, nothing extravagant, but with them. I understand that my son, who will be 16 soon, will want to spend a good part of the day with his girlfriend. I get it, and it sounds nice. SO, that is what he wants to do for the day. I will be glad when the jewelry store ads calm down, when the card commercials go away, when the call this or that number for flowers ads go away. The gimmicks for folks to spend, spend, spend..........those annoy me. The advertisers try to make people feel innadequate if they cannot afford the diamond heart pendant or the $80 bouquet of flowers. That isn't what it is all about, it is about the sentiment of love, the essence of love, the love of love. SO, on this Valentine's Day, I ask all of you to ignore the ads, love those you love with all of your hearts, enjoy the time and company that you have together, laugh together. That is what counts, it is what matters. Have a great day together!


Cliff said...

Well chosen words Miki. I hope you spent it exactly the way you wanted to.
We had a great day. I had to travel to Omaha to meet with officials from about 10 political bodies including Omaha and all surrounding bodies. BUT after that Marilyn met me and then we were joined by our boys and their families for a Saturday lunch. Great to get to see all of the grandkids at once.

Miki said...

Very busy day for you Cliff! Glad that you did spend at least part of it with loved ones. Scott and I spent a good part of the day together. We went to Jones Beach where I took more photos, and Captree State Park, again, more photos. Really obsessed with using that camera and the new lens. It kind of relaxes me............we had a nice lunch together after he had to go to his jobsite to check water, and then home to cook supper for the kiddies. Patrick's girlfriend came over for a little while and then they went ot the movies.All in all a good day!