Monday, January 26, 2009

Squirrels in the Tree

Here are a few photos of the squirrels that live outside of my kitchen the rotten hollow tree.


Peruby said...

You have beautiful, plush squirrels. We have ratty, black ones.

Miki said...

Peruby, these squirrels will get ratty before spring arrives, we are getting snow, snow means they eat up their stores, and go looking for food. Personally, I don't like them that close to the house. The tree is about 30 feet from my kitchen window! My sister and brother in law had attic dwellers in their first house, they did the humane traps and released them in the woods about 15 miles from their house. They moved and had them in the attic at the new house too. TWICE! In fact just a few years ago one got into the main part of the house in one of the bathrooms, nobody knows how! The fireplace dwellers were obvious, but in the upstairs bathroom???????

Cheyenne said...

We have lots of squirrels too, bt our cat population keeps them at bay.

Cliff said...

All of the churches in our town have had trouble with squirrels in their bell towers. Our church was the only one to successfully get rid of them. We just baptized em and made them members, so now they only show up t bother us on Easter and Christmas.

Peruby said...

Cliff, that was funny!

A blogger I read (Tabor) wrote a post about a pesky squirrel recently.