Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Life Just Gets Rougher

Life with a teenager..................where do I begin..................where do I end.....................where does it all go..........................Actually, I have to say that I have 2 not one teenager now. It isn't easy, but when one of them is stubborn and pigheaded, and the other doesn't even care, it makes life almost impossible. The 15 year old is stubborn and pigheaded, much like both of his parents. The second one, at 13, has no clue that school is important and that it isn't a joke or something you blow off. Right now, though, the 15 year old is the one that has been having a grand old time and not doing what is expected of him school wise. He is not doing work in many of his classes and has not been for about 5 weeks. He is lying about it, too, which really makes me angry. Then when he is being told what to do, he needs and always does try to get the last word into the end of the sentence. Even if it is an, "OKAY!" with a clipped sarcastic edge or an angry voice, he has to get that interjected into what I or my husband is saying. It takes every ounce of restraint and then some not to put a foot up his nose or some other orafice. I am not complaining or lookking for a solution, I know that this is all normal, but well I am being driven nuts.

My biggest complaint right now is that my 15 year old's teachers, all except for one, have not communicated that there have been problems for the past few weeks. His Social Studies teacher is on top of things. She is on maternity leave right now, but her leave replacement has communicated problems with me already. I am grateful for that. I have been adamant that the teachers communicate problems or missing assignments or missing homework, or anything that I need to know. They have been given my home, and cell phone numbers, and my email address. I have seen them in person requesting that they contact me, that I do not find it an imposition, that I want and need to follow my son's school life. I have emailed them with the same information. I have told each and every teacher that it is important to us that our son work to his potential, that he not just blow off a subject, any subject. I am not living in a fantasy world, I know that there will be subjects that the kids have problems with no matter what....but when it becomes a major issue, it is something to try to rectify. After 5 weeks of a quarter, it is more than impossible to do that. At this point in a 10 week quarter, I really don't know what to do. I know that it is his doing, but to have a little cooperation from the teachers would be nice. Patrick doesn't see the severity of the whole picture. It is simple, failure=summer school. I guess that is all for now, no real insights into the mind of a mom, no observations, just venting.....


Cheyenne said...

They just love to test, don't they? If a teenager doesn't test a parent, then something is wrong. They all do it. Just hope that it is temporary. Mine did the same thing, and she is all grown up now and on her own. So things do get better. And I only had one child...

Cliff said...

I wish I had good advice but I don't. Everyone seems to have different kids and personalities to deal with. Ya do what ya gotta do and one day you'll suddenly realize you're pretty darned proud of how they turn out.