Friday, December 05, 2008

December. December. December. I reapeat that over and over to myself, reminding myself, cajoling myself, prodding and poking at myself. I try and try to get my fanny in gear, but shopping has been done. Yes, yes, I know it is only 20 days before Christmas. I know that I have 3 kids to buy for, but well, oh well. I am going to get it done, I want to get it done, but I have been crazed and in a whirlwind trying to get stuff done here at the house. I will update you as it goes along, and will tell you amusing stories about things that are going on. That is all for now.......til next time......................................


Cheyenne said...

I am so glad that I only have to buy for one child and her boyfriend. My husband and I stopped years ago, although I cheated this year and bought him something anyway.

And to think it doesn't get any better after each year goes by.

Ralph said...

I hate this time of Year. Love buying stuff for kids in the cul de sac who laugh when they open it. Otherwise it's time for the new year.

Cliff said...

We have a tree leaned up against the wall in the living room and that's all we have had time to do.
Your last blog is a masterful job of writing. I related to the struggle and transformation of what is really important in life. My struggle was in 96 and you are so right. The re-arranging of priorities is unavoidable. I am so happy the remission still holds. Blessings to you and your family during this precious season.
Keep up the excellent writing. You're one of the best on the internet.

Rachel said...

I have made great headway in my shopping and most of it is done. I don't like waiting until the last minute.

I know with 3 kids there is never a dull moment at your house! Yes, you will get it all done!!